The Centre for Rupert’s Land Studies
is pleased to announce the
for the 22nd Rupert’s Land Colloquium
to be held in Winnipeg from May 23 to 25, 2024
The Centre for Rupert’s Land Studies at The University of Winnipeg facilitates scholarly research and
publishing concerning the human history of the Hudson Bay watershed, known in the period from 1670
to 1870, as Rupert’s Land. The Centre also functions as a clearinghouse to assist researchers with
similar interests to be in touch with each other, to communicate about their research projects and
findings, and to assist researchers from out of town by providing a congenial meeting spot when
visiting Winnipeg.
The Centre for Rupert’s Land Studies hosts biennial colloquiums, which offer the opportunity to
explore a diverse range of topics and methodologies that encourage interdisciplinary and innovative
approaches to the practice of Indigenous and fur trade history. These colloquiums provide a welcom-
ing combination of intellectual and practical avenues for exploring all the potential histories of this large
We welcome any submissions related to the history of the vast region of land once known as Rupert’s
Land, including but not limited to the history of Indigenous Peoples, the history of the fur trade, legal
histories, treaty history, science and geography, anthropology and material history.
CRLS Colloquium 2024 – Presentation Guidelines
Papers are generally delivered in sessions of no more than four related presentations. Individuals can
submit separate papers that the colloquium committee will organize into sessions. Groups can submit
related papers for a session theme of their choice. A chairperson will facilitate the flow of presentations
and the question period and discussions that follow. Each presenter will have a maximum of 15-20
minutes to present their topic using their preferred medium, where possible. Oral presentations, slide
shows, video, and audio are all welcome
Your presentation should be no more than 15-20 minutes long. Your paper can be any length but in
order to allow all presenters time to comfortably present their topics and to allow time for discussion,
your presentation should stay under 20 minutes.
Complete the paper proposal form, and submit by April 15, 2024. Once your submission is approved,
we will post your abstract and the title of your paper on the CRLS website.